One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Lately, I’ve been hearing the word “Mantra” thrown around a lot. One of my most favorite birthday presents this year was a “Mantra Band” with an intentional saying that is specific to me and my life. I’m not going to pretend that I know all of the background and purpose of mantra, but I do know that a mantra is a phrase that is spoken over and over again during meditation to help you be intentional about where you want your thoughts to go. I have also had the experience in my exercise or yoga classes, where the instructor says something like “set your intention for the class” and gives a mantra to think on for that period of time. My thoughts about allowing a mantra to set your intention has become very relevant as we have entered this New Year. I am one who can enjoy a little hype over a New Year’s Resolution or two, but this year feels different for me. Rather than making a list of promises that I might or might not keep, I am setting my intentions for what is ahead of me. The best part about this whole thing is that I have heard the exact same excitement in Chrissie, as we have been talking about our goals personally, as well as, for In the Moment. It doesn’t feel like a resolution because when you set your intention, you decide to step on a path and just move forward. It can be at any time of year or in the middle of any situation you find yourself in. So the New Year hype has gotten away from you and you haven’t done everything you had hoped you would by this second week of 2017, so what? Set your intention, find your mantra, and keep repeating it as you move forward.
When we decided to launch In the Moment, it was because we know that our lives were designed with purpose in mind. It is unthinkable to believe that we have had the experiences of marriage, friendship, raising umpteen kids, and just life in general to keep that all a secret. In the spirit of being vulnerable and “in the moment” we will share a bit about our individual mantras and we sure hope that it inspires and encourages all of you to go ahead and set your intention and keep moving forward, even if you missed that ever important New Year’s Day deadline.

Lori: 2017 is going to be all about “GO FOR BROKE”. I got the following quote from the clothing brand GoForBroke and I love its message so I’m stealing it. “Goforbroke symbolizes the mantra that when you want something, at times you have to go all in. You have to Go For Broke. Too many things in life are mediocre because we are afraid to strive for better. We cling on to what we have in fear of losing our small fortunes for something greater. Death Before Defeat!” There are several things that are floating around my brain where I know this applies to the trailhead that I recently stepped onto. A few weeks ago, McKenna was telling me about her memories of all the houses we have lived in and how she relates her childhood memories to where we lived at the time. She said that when she thinks of her dad, she sees him like he looked in our last house in Springfield. She said that when she thinks of me, she sees me the same, physically, but that I seem sadder and I don’t dance like I used to in our other houses. OUCH! She’s right. Where is that girl? I can’t wait to find her again. The things that I’ve been afraid of are looking me straight in the eyes and challenging me. Yes, I am afraid of failure if I try new things, but I’m also afraid of not dancing anymore. My favorite quote right now is “In order to have something you’ve never had before, you have to do something you’ve never done before”. I don’t know who said it, but it’s spot on!

Chrissie: Purpose. I think this is my word for 2017. I’m not sure I’m happy about it. In fact, I’m a little scared, but I’m learning that being scared can’t stop me from what I need to do. I am scared of failing so I don’t try things. My life motto is “do one thing every day that scares you” but recently a beloved of mine asked me if I really do that. Dang it, I don’t do that, because I’m scared!
I’m tired of being scared. I’m tired of playing catch up with my life. I’m tired of my own excuses. I used to walk with purpose but for the past few years I haven’t. I have all kinds of excuses. They’re legitimate excuses, too! We adopted our oldest child two years ago, he’s 15 now, teenage boys! We have a 13 year old who was adopted at 7 months old and is now dealing with her own adoption issues, teenage girls! I have two littles who are swirling in the storm of transition. All of our kids are busy with extra-curricular activities. My daddy passed away in 2015. I live far away from my family and even farther from my best friend. I am so tired of hearing my excuses, oh wait, did I already say that?
Time for a mental reset! 2017, my year of purpose!

Many Blessings,

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